Hi! My name is Tristan and I am a Bay Area UX Designer who can bring your project from ideation to mockups to user testing. My previous incarnations were as a consultant, portfolio manager, and development worker. But few careers allow for the creative exploration of UX Design and I couldn’t have believed my luck discovering this was actually a field.
The type of UX Design I prefer is that of the classic generalist type. Nothing makes me happier than jumping from ideation to interviews to synthesis to design. The more complex and challenging the problem the better.
Having completed two well renown boot camps, a UI/UX course with Springboard and a UX course with General Assembly, gave me a solid understanding of the tools and tactics of the trade.
I have also launched several startup ventures including Shared Process Ecosystems, a Saas company focused on Project Management Construction. This was able to get to MVP with desktop, iOS and Android features. It was delightful, clean, and innovative.
It failed.
But that failure taught me an incredible amount about launching a start up and the Saas industry. More than anything it taught me humility, about how it is too easy to push for your own solutions than to listen to your users .
It taught me to be the user's advocate and what happens without one.